Monday, March 1, 2010

Cross Training – 21 Mile Bicycle Ride

by Blue Tapp Scheffer

A friend asked me last week about cross training. Yes, cross training will most definitely help you run a better race. Each different activity – running, bicycling, swimming, weight training, etc. – uses your muscles differently. If you participate in only ONE activity your body will actually get used to that activity and will not burn fat or tone muscle as efficiently. Mixing it up is important for overall fitness. Besides, it’s fun to incorporate a little variety!

I was reminded of this in a big way when my husband and I did a 21 mile bike with some friends this past Saturday. I was feeling pretty fit and strong. I’ve been running so much lately and even ran a ten miler two days before and felt fantastic (see previous post).

But I hadn’t been on a bicycle in a couple of weeks. I usually ride my bike to the bank and post office every few days but I’ve been running rather than cycling lately. Whoops. I learned once again that running fitness doesn’t necessarily transfer over to bicycle fitness. We rode from our house down to the U-City Loop for lunch and back. I felt like some of those hills were gonna kill me! By the end of the ride my body was getting back into the rhythm of riding. But I’m committing to get on the bike at least once a week from now on.

My friend who asked about cross training also wondered if other indoor activities (like using an elliptical machine) could replace running during the cold winter months. My answer is a simple no. Cross training is good but nothing replaces running! If the cold is keeping you inside then you’d better get on that treadmill!

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