Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Falling off the wagon

Well, as is typical for many beginning exercisers, I've allowed all of life's little stresses to throw me off my training schedule. The past month has been a whirlwind for me, both professionally and personally, and because I've yet to really build exercise into my daily routine (without fail), I went adrift quite easily.

I'm still walking 3-4 times every week and feeling good about that, but I have to admit, the idea of being the slowest person in the 5K is starting to intimidate me. I know I can walk 3.1 miles; I've already done it several times recently. But can I do it quickly? Not a chance.

Of course, my "fit" friends keep encouraging me to just push forward and do it anyway, no matter how slow. But those people are skinny. Me, I'm still fighting through the discomfort of moving a body that's carrying too much weight. It's the conundrum faced by all fat folks: you know you need to exercise to lose weight, but until you lose weight, exercise is really not so fun.

So...what to do? For now, I am pushing forward. I'm going to continue to train for the 5K and just keep listening to my body. If it's ready for 3.1 miles on May 15, so be it. If not, there's always the one-mile fun run. I figure anything is better than nothing at all...


  1. You're not off the wagon until you stop thinking about the wagon, so hang in there. Routine is hard to establish, but once you do, things really will get easier.

  2. Hang in there ... you will be fine! If your goal is the 5k, then do it and if by chance you are the last person across the finish line - which I doubt, you will be sure to do it in style and glamour. The key is doing it!
